I support artists and cultural institutions in developing international co-operation, applying for European funding and managing their projects.

My work as an independent consultant is based on over 25 years' experience in managing international cultural projects, mainly in the fields of the performing arts, early music and cultural heritage.

recent activities
  • 12/24 New member of the Graines de SOL / Azelar cooperative

    12/24 Graines de SOL/Azelar (France)

    Signing of the CAPE contract with the Graines de SOL business and employment co-operative (in particular the Azelar Art and Culture section), with which I will continue to provide advice and support.
  • Creative Europe Grantholders' meeting 2024

    11/24 Grant Holders' meeting European Cooperation projects (Belgium)

    I attended the meeting of coordinators of Creative Europe 2023 supported project for Sustainable-EEEMERGING.
  • Moderation at the Berlin Conference 2024

    11/24 Berlin Conference 2024 (Germany)

    Co-programming the conference for the strategic group A Soul for Europe, facilitating the conversation on how arts and culture fit into today's political debate, with Aiva Rozenberga (Latvia), Alison Mooney (Ireland) and Lirak Çelaj (Kosovo).
  • 10/24 Cours sur les Réseaux Européens

    10/24 Université Montpellier 3 (France)

    Ina Studenroth and I gave a course in Montpellier for the Master 2 DAPCE students on 'European (professional) networks in the cultural and artistic sector', which is particularly topical for my professional practice.
  • 08/24 Visite des lieux culturels du Plateau d'Hauteville avec des amis du spectacle vivant: Centre d'Art Contemporain de Lacoux, La Montagne Magique (ancien hôpital racheté par des artistes), la Luge (lieu de création danse) et La Grille (friche fromagère occupée par des circassiens). Ici Mia et Omar (et Kinan) dans le studio de Jean-Xavier Renaud.

    10/24 Culture Next (online)

    Co-host of the seminar on youth participation in culture, organised by ARC Research & Consultancy for Budweis European Capital of Culture 2028 and the Culture Next network.
  • 08/24 Visite des lieux culturels du Plateau d'Hauteville avec des amis du spectacle vivant: Centre d'Art Contemporain de Lacoux, La Montagne Magique (ancien hôpital racheté par des artistes), la Luge (lieu de création danse) et La Grille (friche fromagère occupée par des circassiens). Ici Mia et Omar (et Kinan) dans le studio de Jean-Xavier Renaud.

    10/24 IETM Focus Den Bosch (the Netherlands)

    On the theme of ‘Declining or Thriving? The New International Reality', I returned after two years to the most important international network in the performing arts to help question the new international reality.
  • Slide Partenaires S-EEE

    09/24 Centre culturel de rencontre d'Ambronay (France)

    Organisation of the first S-EEE focus meeting. A time of professional exchange in small groups around the ambition to initiate 11 local hubs across Europe: not only the CCR, of course, but also the project partners.
  • 08/24 Visite des lieux culturels du Plateau d'Hauteville avec des amis du spectacle vivant: Centre d'Art Contemporain de Lacoux, La Montagne Magique (ancien hôpital racheté par des artistes), la Luge (lieu de création danse) et La Grille (friche fromagère occupée par des circassiens). Ici Mia et Omar (et Kinan) dans le studio de Jean-Xavier Renaud.

    08/24 Plateau d'Hauteville (France)

    Visit Plateau d'Hauteville's cultural venues with friends from the performing arts. These include the Centre d'Art Contemporain de Lacoux, Montagne Magique (a former hospital bought by artists), La Luge (a space for dancing) and La Grille (a former cheese-making facility occupied by circus artists).Here, Mia and Omar (and Kinan) from the Maqamat company are in Jean-Xavier Renaud's studio.
  • Réunion des équipes partenaires du projet Sustainable-EEEMERGING à Ambronay. 33 participant.es représentant 12 organisations ont participé à un programme intensif de présentations, d'ateliers, de partage des connaissances et de jeux collectifs durant deux jours.

    06/24 Centre culturel de rencontre d'Ambronay (France)

    Meeting of the Sustainable-EEEMERGING project partner teams. 33 participants from 12 organisations took part in an intensive two-day programme of presentations, workshops, knowledge sharing and team games.
  • 05/24 Europa Haus, Berlin (Germany)

    Meeting in Berlin with the A Soul for Europe Strategy Group team and Barbara Gessler, Head of the EU Representation in Germany.
  • 05/24 EFA Summit, Usedom (Germany)

    At the EFA Summit Usedom, Nele Hertling designed and facilitated two workshops: 'Experimenting democracy: A festival is a story of people' and for the EFFE SEAL on the dynamics of the relationship between cities and festivals.

     Curation and facilitation of professional workshops and conferences

    • networking activities

      Organisation of meetings for professional networks of 40 to 500 people from different countries. This includes creating programmes and formats to encourage interaction, the exchange of knowledge and the production of original content.

    • workshops

      Design and facilitate reflection, awareness-raising or training workshops using collective intelligence tools, focusing on international cooperation issues.

    • facilitating discussions

      Facilitating roundtables, debates and other discussion formats at conferences or seminars (face-to-face or online). Designing formats adapted to a particular topic or concept.

     Support in the definition, design and funding of international projects

    • strategic planning

      Helping to define long-term objectives in line with European policy priorities. Advice on integrating the project into an international ecosystem and developing the necessary resources and skills.

    • european funding

      Identifying European funding opportunities for the different aspects of your project (Creative Europe, Erasmus+, INTERREG). Help plan your application and optimise resources.

    • project design

      Support in structuring the project by conducting preparatory meetings with your partners (context analysis, organisation of the cooperation). Support in the elaboration of European grant applications, including the preparation of the content and the budget.

     Implementation support, assistance in managing co-operations

    • project management

      Deployment of tools to steer and lead the collaboration: coordination, planning, monitoring of activities, data collection and evaluation. Support at key stages: kick-off, closing meetings and personalised advice as required.

    • reports and audits

      Drafting technical and financial reports for projects, preparing and following up internal or EU-required audits.

    • team supervision

      Support for your staff in coordinating and monitoring projects: advice on methods, attitudes and tools. Help to resolve complex collaborative situations.

    • leading and coordinating co-operations

      CCR d'Ambronay: Sustainable-EEEMERGING (2024-2027, Creative Europe)

      CCR d'Ambronay: EEEMERGING+ (2019-2023, Creative Europe)

      Image Aiguë-Cie Christiane Véricel: 5 projects (2003-2017, Creative Europe, Cultural Embassador of Europe, Euroglobe, Culture 2000, EU delegation in Turkey)

      Network of European Royal Residences: At the King's table (2018-2019, Creative Europe)

    • project design consulting

      Cie Maqamat – Omar Rajeh et Mia Habis (dance)

      Centre d’Art Contemporain de Lacoux (visual arts)

      Cie MPTA - Mathurin Bolze (circus)

      Institut des croisements – Arkadi Zaides (dance, performance)

      Centre Internacional de Música Antiga - Jordi Savall (music)

    • organisation of professional events

      European Festivals Association : Festivals Cities Workshop - EFA SEAL since 2022

      CCR d’Ambronay and Association des Centres Culturels de Rencontre : Rencontres d’Ambronay (19-21 mai 2022)

      IETM network – Lyon Plenary meeting 2021 : first ”post-COVID” meeting (21-24 October 2021), "Trans•Missions"

      REMA - Réseau européen des Musiques Anciennes : General Assembly 2021

      City of Clermont-Ferrand : as part of its European Capital of Culturel Candidature, organisation of a visit by foreign experts (October 2019) and design and facilitation of three Ateliers 2028 seminars (autumn 2020)

      A Soul for Europe – Berlin Conference : contribution to the programming of annual conferences since 2008 and organisation of 5 Lyon Forums

    • workshops and trainings

      Online workshop for the ECOC candidate cities network CultureNext (2024) - conception ARC & RESEARCH consultancy

      Forum de l'Entreprenariat Culturel (2023)

      Bourges 2028 - Ville Candidate ECOC (2023)

      Université Lyon 3 (since 2024)

      Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 3 : Master Direction de Projets Artistiques et Culturels Européens (since 2019)

      Université Dijon-Bourgogne : Master PIECE (since 2019)

    where to start?

    We'll have a chat to get to the bottom of your ideas and clarify your needs. Once I have a clear picture of what you want, I'll draw up a bespoke proposal. Please contact me:

    by email by phone

    For one-off or long-term assignments, in France or abroad, I work on my own or as part of a team with the consultants in my network, in particular with : Ina Studenroth, Helena De Winter, Fanny Bouquerel, Sergio Chianca.

    professional background

    From live performance to music, from local action to international exchange, my itinerary combines unique technical skills, a European perspective and a deep commitment to the projects I'm involved in.

    An independent consultant since 2018, I work with cultural companies of all sizes to give their projects international resonance.

    Performing arts, classical music and heritage are the sectors I know best. International networks, in particular A Soul for Europe and IETM - International network for contemporary performing arts, are important in my professional practice.

    I'm particularly interested in the place of artistic creation and practice in everyday life, the formation and vigour of cultural ecosystems, the articulation of the local (rural, urban) and the international (trans-local), and issues of sustainability and democracy.

    Previously, I was manager of the theatre company Image Aiguë, directed by Christiane Véricel, which has carried out its artistic work with children and adult actors in over 40 countries. I developed projects with strong support from the European Union, particularly in Europe, the Caucasus, North Africa and China.

    My career began in Moselle, where I ran projects combining shows for young audiences and the visual arts in rural and cross-border areas, already with European funding. It was a founding experience for my professional identity, rooted in cultural commitment and international cooperation.
