Réunion Plénière IETM Lyon

Archives of the IETM network meeting, held in Lyon from 21 to 24 October 2021


What have the pandemic times taught us beyond the fragility of our ecosystems? What can we learn from each other and pass on to new generations?  

Trans-missions is the umbrella notion of our next Autumn Plenary Meeting, from 21 to 24 October 2021. Co-organised by a diverse team of artists, cultural professionals and students based in France with the support of the Préfet de la Région Auvergne Rhône - Alpes, Ville de Lyon and Grand Lyon La Métropole, the Plenary will take place in Lyon, and more broadly in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region. Although fragile, this IETM Plenary Meeting is led with determination and commitment to a large extent by a team of volunteers and will therefore be experimental, unpredictable and audacious.

IETM Lyon 2021 will be organised as an Open Forum that will provide a free space to invent, together, processes, methods and other modes of transfer which can serve our performing arts ecosystem, in a sustainable way. 

Hosted in different places all over the city of Lyon, this Open Forum Plenary will invite participants to create the discussions jointly at the beginning of each day – propose topics and questions, inspired by the notion of Trans-missions.  We will make sure there will be ample space for informal networking and exchange. Because this is mostly what this meeting is about : meeting again and sharing this unique experience together! And it will also be an opportunity to celebrate the 40th anniversary of our network, which held its first formal meeting in France in 1981.

Presentation of the projet (fr) Full programme
Opening Keynote: watch on Youtube


Photos Laurie Diaz

Thank you email

Lyon, 7 December 2021,

Dear friends,

More than a month ago we organised in Lyon the plenary meeting of the IETM network, the first face-to-face event in COVID time for this international network. Preceded by meetings in Clermont-Ferrand and Haute-Loire, the plenary meeting brought together 300 performing arts professionals from France and 30 countries, a hundred participants in the online sessions and 120 students from Lyon, Clermont-Ferrand, Dijon and Montpellier.

This international meeting was initiated in March 2020 and relaunched last March when the doors of theatres were still closed. The project was led by a collective of 15 actors from the performing arts, in collaboration with the Brussels secretariat of IETM and the essential support of more than 40 partners: festivals, cultural venues, universities, artistic teams (list below).

We would like to thank you warmly for your support and contribution to this project.

The challenge and success of this meeting under the theme Trans-Missions was to start a dialogue, to share again experiences and knowledge and to put back on the agenda several important issues for us and for the performing arts sector.

As we have always claimed, the IETM meeting in Lyon is an opening for new initiatives, and we would now like to: encourage students to organise a reflection on the challenges of the performing arts, prepare cross-border meetings with our colleagues from Italy and Switzerland, encourage local-international exchanges in our sector... all ideas that we are already thinking about with the IETM Lyon collective, and to which we hope to be able to associate you.

pour le collectif IETM Lyon 2021

Nicolas Bertrand (nicolas@nclsbrtrnd.eu) et Sergio Chianca (direction@burokultur.com)

Co-organisation IETM Plenary Meeting Lyon Collectif IETM Lyon 2021 et IETM

portage local : association De corps et d'Esprit

Collectif IETM Lyon 2021 Nicolas Bertrand (consultant), Sergio Chianca (BuroKultur), Ina Studenroth (consultante), Frédéric Poty (Compagnie Ezequiel Garcia-Romeu), Julien Daillère (La marge heureuse), Claudine Van Beneden (Cie Nosferatu), Valérie de Saint-Do (journaliste, autrice), Sophie Rieu (Théâtre du Pélican), Philippe Vincent et Lise Eneau-Brun (Compagnie Scènes Théâtre Cinéma), Omar Rajeh et Mia Habis (Cie Maqamat et Citerne.Live), Manuèle Debrinay-Rizos (Fonds Roberto Cimetta), Isabel Andreen (chargée de mission international)

Local partners IETM Plenary Meeting Lyon AADN / Lablab, Auvergne - Rhône Alpes Spectacle Vivant, Célestins - Théâtre de Lyon, Culture Next, Collège Monod (Bron), Compagnie Karthala, Compagnie On-Off, Compagnie Théâtre du Bruit, Compagnie Scènes, Compagnie Union Tanguera, Conservatoire Nationale Supérieur Musique et Danse, Ecole du Cirque de Lyon, Festival Karavel, Festival Sens Interdits, Le Bac à Sable - Espace d'art éphémère, Le La Voir Public, Le NTH8 / Nouveau Théâtre du 8ème, Les Subs, Maison de l'Environnement de la Métropole de Lyon, Maison de la Danse, Musée des Confluences, ONDA, Pôles en Scènes , Réseau des Ambassadeurs ONLYLYON, SERL, Station Mue, Théâtre Comédie Odéon, Théâtre de la Renaissance, Théâtre des Clochards Célestes, Théâtre National Populaire, Ville d'Oullins ainsi que celles et ceux qui ont activement contribué à enrichir les différentes possibilités de la programmation

Partners of the student section educational leaders and teachers of Lyon 2, Dijon Bourgogne, Clermont Auvergne, Montpellier 3 Universities

Local supports IETM Plenary Meeting Lyon Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication - DRAC Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, Grand Lyon, Ville de Lyon, Goethe Institut-Lyon

Pre-meeting Haute Loire Compagnie Nosferatu, AREA, Auvergne Rhône-Alpes Spectacle Vivant
Pre-meeting Clermont-Ferrand Théâtre du Pélican, Comédie de Clermont-Ferrand Scène Nationale, Clermont-Ferrand Massif Central – candidature capitale européenne de la culture 2028, DoMino – plateforme Jeune Public, avec le soutien de la Ville de Clermont-Ferrand

Preparatory workshop Lyon
CND Lyon, Biennale de la Danse
Preparatory workshop Avignon La Manufacture, On the Move
Preparatory workshop Aurillac (annulé) La Manufacture/Aurillac, Festival d’Aurillac

Various documentation

© Nicolas Bertrand